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Germany's PCB Sales in August Up 3% YoY

Post:2014.10.18 Hits:1374

 Germany's PCB Sales in August Up 3% YoY

Germany's total PCB revenues in August recorded its highest sales since the pre-crisis year of 2008, according to the Central Association of the PCB and Electronic Systems. Total sales went up by 3.1% in August year-on-year. Cumulative sales from January to August were up by 2.9% compared to the same period last year.     In terms of incoming orders, August 2014 figures were up by 13% from last year. Book-to-bill ratio fell back to 0.98.     About ZVEI     ZVEI, the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, represents the economic, technological, and environmental policy interests of the German electrical and electronics industry at the national, European and international levels. The organization provides specific information about the economic, technical, and regulatory framework conditions of the electrical industry in Germany. -