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Flip Chip technology expected to be used in more LED TVs released in 2015 -

Post:2014.11.03 Hits:1543

 Flip Chip technology expected to be used in more LED TVs released in 2015 -

Direct-type LED TVs featuring Flip Chip LED technology are becoming more prevalent in the market and many China- and Korea-based TV vendors are expected to start using the technology in units released in 2015 in order to reduce LED costs. Industry sources estimate the vendors will be able to use 30-50% fewer LEDs by using the technology in 32- and 42-inch units, allowing them to release lower-priced TVs aimed at emerging markets, and entry-level units in mature economies. TV vendors will be concerned with maintaining low pricing in 2015, and using the Flip Chip technology, which Samsung Electronics describes as essentially larger-format circuit boards with both LEDs and optics installed on the board to allow better light distribution and therefore fewer fixtures to light an area, will allow them to save on costs. The sources added that currently 42-inch direct-type LED TVs used 24 LEDs, which could be reduced to 12-16 LEDs in 2015 by using the technology. Market observers estimate that direct-type LED backlighting will account for 60% of overall backlighting used in TV panels in 2016, up from 14% in 2012.